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Neighbourhood Plan

Have your say at Mirfield Library

before Friday 31st May


Mirfield Neighbourhood Plan
Consultation - Event and Display


Mirfield Town Council would like to invite you to take part in a public consultation to find out about the Draft Neighbourhood Plan.


When:  From Monday 13th to Saturday 22nd May

Where: Mirfield Library, Eastthorpe Lodge, Huddersfield Rd, Mirfield WF14 8AN.


Read hard copies of the draft plan and leave your comments.


All documents and a survey are available online, visit

Please return any comments by Friday 31st May.

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We are a community based voluntary organisation whose aim is to support residents in fighting the overdevelopment of Mirfield.  
We are not against all development but we do want to protect some of the open green spaces that are still available to us and support sustainable development only.

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