What are Save Mirfield doing about..
Balderstone Hall Fields
In the past we've managed to successfully stop Bellway twice from building on this land. Their third opportunistic application was refused again in October 2018 and so the land is now designated "safeguarded land" until 2031. Note however that this could be changed at review after 5 years.
Crossley Lane Boundary moved
We discovered to our horror during discussions that moves were afoot to get the Council to change the green-belt boundary in north Mirfield off Crossley lane. A local landowner, together with Bellway Homes were trying to get the boundary moved so that more land could be developed in that area.
Kirklees Local Plan
Over a number of years Save Mirfield engaged with the Local Plan team at Kirklees headed by Richard Hollinson. It is important because it says where developments will happen in Kirklees until 2031. This includes building housing, industry , retail etc.
Here are some of the things we did towards the Local Plan on behalf of Mirfield residents:
​Our Chairman attended the Stage 1 and Stage 3 hearings as the sole representative from Mirfield looking out for the interests of the people and the future of Mirfield.
​We made sure that Save Mirfield had a place at the Stage 4 hearings and we have engaged the services of our three Consultants for the submissions and for possible attendance on the days concerned with Mirfield.
We fought to be given a chance to speak to the Inspector when she conducted the hearings. Cheryl Tyler, our Chairman, was able to attend the hearings and speak to the Inspector, Katie Child, about the sites involved (including the western end of the huge Dewsbury Riverside proposal - see below)
Our Chairman and committee members have had meetings with the planning officers involved with drawing up the Local Plan, to stress that Mirfield infrastructure cannot cope with housing numbers allocated (950).
The Local Plan was finally adopted on 27th February 2019