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Published 10-05-2019


Letter from Save Mirfield to Kirklees Metropolitan Council in relation to Land off Old Bank Road

"Further to our recent telephone conversation regarding this land off Old Bank Road, Save Mirfield
has some serious concerns".


This is the opening sentence in the letter that was sent to the council on the 10 of May 2019, in which Save Mirfield expressed detailed concerns about the plans to build 63 houses at Old Bank Road. The proposed layout of the houses is shown extending to the north of the site, which is underlain by a former clay pit, hence the potential for gas and contamination in that area.



Published 14-10-2018


Letter from Save Mirfield to the CEO of Kirklees Council


Our Chairman Cheryl Tyler has written to Jaqui Gedman.


"I am writing directly to you as a matter of urgency to ensure that you are fully informed about a situation that Save Mirfield believes has serious implications for you and your officers. You may recall being copied on a letter sent to Mr Lythgoe a few years ago about the same site in Mirfield, when you were already a senior officer in the council.


You can read the full letter here

Read the history of Bellway Homes applications on this site here


Published 16-09-2018


Cheryl Tyler awarded prestigious Mirfield Ambassador title


Our chairman Cheryl Tyler has been recognised today for her hard work and dedication to Mirfield when she was awarded the title of Ambassador.  We are delighted for Cheryl.

well done cheryl.jpg
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