Sample letter of objection
This sample letter of objection has been drafted to help you. To use this sample, simply highlight the text and copy to a word document.
You can copy and paste the text below into a letter, but please remember to personalise it.
Remember that more than one person in your home can send a letter of objection BUT just don’t send the same letter.
If you make your objection on-line make sure that you do not exceed the number of words that are indicated.

How to object to a planning application
1. You can email your objection to the planning officer assigned to the application. We suggest that you request a read receipt*.
2. You can print off your letter and post it to the address shown on the letter
3. You can complete the online form on the Kirklees Council planning portal.
Your name
Your address
Your postcode
Planning Department
For the attention of XX
Dear XX
Reference Application number:
Proposed erection of XX dwellings on land at XXXX
I write in connection with the above planning application. I have examined the plans and I know the site well. I wish to object strongly to the development of these houses in this location for the following reasons:
(Insert all the reasons in here why you feel this development shouldn't go ahead - remember to use our list. Points 1 to 7 are the most important in terms of planning applications)
I also support Save Mirfield’s representation on this planning application as I share its concerns.
Yours faithfully
Your name