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Kirklees Local Plan

What is it?

A local plan sets out a vision and a framework for the future development of an area, addressing needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the economy, community facilities and infrastructure – as well as a basis for safeguarding the environment, adapting to climate change and securing good design.   

Councils prepare local plans in consultation with residents. Ideally.

How they are used


Local plans are:

  • tailored to the needs of each area in terms of their strategy and the policies required.

  • focused on the key issues that need to be addressed and be aspirational but realistic in what they propose.  

  • a critical tool in guiding decisions about individual development proposals

  • the starting-point for considering whether applications can be approved

  • intended to make clear what will happen in the area over the life of the plan, where and when this will occur and how it will be delivered.

Save Mirfield and the Kirklees Local Plan

Having a local plan is a legal requirement of Metropolitan Councils and Kirklees have been slow at adopting one.  Once the local plan is approved, it is literally a plan for where development will happen in Kirklees until 2031 or thereabouts.  This means where houses will be built, industry, retail etc etc. These “designations” as they are known are crucial.

You can read more about our work on this here.

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