Keeping the field in Mirfield
Initially established in 1995 in response to the publication of the Unitary Development Plan, Save Mirfield was “mothballed” for a few years but once again re-energised in 2013 in order to fight Bellway’s application (see below). We also opposed certain aspects of building at Mirfield Moor.
We have a core Executive Committee of 10 Mirfield Residents. Our current Chairman is Cheryl Tyler, our Secretary Christine Sykes and Treasurer is Stephanie Teale.
What we've achieved
Balderstone Hall Fields
Our volunteer hours have been spent researching and writing detailed planning objection documents, attending planning meetings, reading and analysing technical reports, networking to build expertise and writing many many letters of objection. In the last campaign drive, back in 2021 we:
Raised funds to pay for over 60 hours of professional planning and legal expertise
Engaged with the community and gained 789 members
Hand-delivered over 4000 leaflets across Mirfield
Regional and national press coverage ie Daily Telegraph, Mirfield Reporter, The Press, Huddersfield Examiner
Established social media and gained 122 twitter followers and over 300 followers on our Facebook page
Arranged or attended eight community events in Mirfield to raise our profile and funds
Granny Lane
We have opposed an application by Miller Homes to build 67 houses off Granny Lane adjacent to Sheep Ings Farm.
Initially, we advised local residents on how to approach their opposition to the plans and helped them to form the Granny Lane Area action Group (GLAAG).
We assisted them to formulate their objections and supported them both in terms of assistance with their reports, professional advisors and attending meetings at Kirklees planning with them.
We believe that the site was erroneously allocated in the Local Plan, a decision that failed to take properly into consideration neither the highways issues nor the flooding, which is becoming more frequent with climate change.
Unfortunately, allocation in the Local Plan makes it much harder to fight and in December 2019 the strategic planning committee voted to approve.
However, the final permissions have yet to be granted and we are doggedly trying to block this with help from professionals such as planning lawyers and drainage experts. Save Mirfield also supported GLAAG with a donation from our funds.
Northorpe Lane
Residents in Northorpe Lane are fighting a development which would demolish a property in Northorpe lane to access the site behind, opposite Northorpe hall. We supported them in their efforts and have made a donation to their funds.
Remember - ultimately, it’s not our decision…
We’ve learnt a lot about the planning application process over the years and we use all this experience and expertise into everything we do. But remember – ultimately, we don’t make the decision. If we can’t influence the decision-maker – it’s definitely not because we haven’t tried! If you feel passionate about the issues, live in Mirfield and would like to help - get in touch.
You can read more about specific lobbying activities and our work on specific plans and developments here.
