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Why donate?


Contributions from our community are vital.  We rely on fundraising and donations to help us pay for valuable professional advice. If you feel passionately about residents having a voice and being able to put forward robust arguments against unsustainable development, then read on. Every penny that we raise goes towards our cause and we all work for nothing.  For example, our website and it's subsequent hosting has been kindly donated by one of our committee members.


Where does my money go?

We have to employ experts.  This is because:


1. It's quicker.  Most of us are still working and and we could spend years trying to get to grips with planning laws and legislation. Experts already know their way around it all.


2. It's better - why? Because the​y can speak in meetings and write documents which show their expertise and experience.  We are fighting them peer to peer and can challenge them knowing they know their stuff.


We use the funds to draw on the following expertise:


1. Planning consultant - they have the same qualifications as the planners who are reviewing the planning applications but they also have extensive experience and lots of experience in handling planning applications, grounds for objection and have a sound knowledge of planning policies.  They are often very technical and are a great asset. They often overlap and work with a planning lawyer.



2. Planning lawyers - they are experts in the laws and decisions surrounding the legal aspects of a planning application. They put together and challenge the legal robustness of an argument and put together sound arguments why a planning application should not be approved.



3. Highways consultant - They are specialists in traffic and how it's measured.  This is so vital for Mirfield becuase it's under increasing pressure from traffic, particularly the A62 which is one of the busiest roads in Yorkshire.  They will unpick a planning application based on technical aspects such as the road layouts and the way the roads are used around the development.


Environment factors, urban planning issues, infrastructure issues such as dentists, NHS, schools and other community support services are all researched by ourselves.  We also carry out fundraising activities and public events.  Our members receive a quarterly newsletter and we do as much as we can to reach residents who don't have email or social media. 


How do I donate?


We are not actively fundraising at the moment, but if you wish to donate our direct account number 60068721, sort code 20-26-08. Please put your postcode as the reference.



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